
How NES Restores Power

When your power is out, our first priority is ensuring that your power is back on as soon as possible. But how exactly does NES restore power? 

NES restores power in 4 steps. 

  1. NES first inspects transmission lines and towers. These supply power to our entire grid and can affect the most customers. 
  2. Our next step is checking on distribution substations. They receive high voltage power from our transmission lines and distribute it at a lower voltage to the rest of our system. 
  3. NES then evaluates main distribution lines and poles. 
  4. Our final step of restoring power is inspecting tap lines. Tap lines supply power to individual transformers you may see on the street. This is why you may have power and your neighbor may not and vice versa. 

There are also other aspects our teams consider when restoring power. Our process prioritizes restoring power to the outages affecting the highest number of customers; however, we make exceptions for customers who have been out of power the longest. We assign specific crews to focus on the customers who have the oldest outages. A new high-impacting outage does not necessarily mean work stops on your power restoration process.

While our process mandates that we prioritize restoring power to the outages affecting the highest number of customers, we don’t forget about customers who have been out the longest. We assign specific crews to focus on the customers who have the oldest outages.

We also give priority status to customers with life-sustaining medical devices through our Critical Referral Program. Eligible customers can apply online at

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