

Make sure to follow these simple steps to stay safe and warm this winter. Despite the weather conditions outside, our priority is always to provide you and your family with energy you can count on.

Energy-Efficiency Advice

Nearly half of your energy bill is spent on heating costs so consider the following:

  • Replace your air/furnace filter every month during the heating season to maintain safe and efficient operation of your heating equipment.
  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the recommended setting of 120° F.
  • Caulk, weather-strip and insulate openings where you feel cold air trickling into your home. The most common places where air leaks occur include doors, attics, windows, plumbing penetrations and electrical outlets.
  • Reduce your hot water use by taking shorter showers instead of baths and using cold water for full loads of laundry.
  • If you’re ready for an appliance upgrade, be an energy savvy shopper and look for the ENERGY STAR logo when shopping for a refrigerator, dishwasher or electronics.

Important Winter Safety Tips

  • If you own a generator, operate it outside and ensure that there is proper ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector inside your home as a safety precaution.
  • Never use your oven or range top to heat your home.
  • Turn portable heaters off when you leave the room or go to bed, and keep heaters at least three feet away from flammable material such as bedding, furniture or curtains.