
Customer Relations Manager describes NES’ commitment to sustainability & community for TVA site

Recently, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) spoke with Nashville Electric Service (NES) Customer Relations Manager Paula Geruntino for an article to be posted on the NES page at TVA’s community energy website. She discussed the utility’s experience with servicing customers during natural disasters and many of the unforeseen challenges of the past decade.

Some of the challenges Geruntino recounted were the 2010 flood, the 2020 tornadoes and derecho, the downtown bombing and the global pandemic. She said that despite it all, NES has remained dedicated to keeping the lights on for its customers.

“These difficult events haven’t stopped the city of Nashville or Nashville Electric Service from staying ‘Nashville Strong,’” she said.

NES created in response to the devastating events of 2020, providing customers with easy access to resources during times of crisis. Through its partnership with TVA, NES distributed $17 million in relief funds to customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Geruntino also spoke proudly of NES’ commitment to sustainability through partnerships with TVA. NES participates in TVA EnergyRight’s Home Uplift Program to help income-qualified homeowners in the service area weatherize their homes.

“I’m a big advocate for weatherization programs,” she explained. “NES will soon have assisted 400 homes in the community through the program, which is supported by grants from TVA and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).”

Geruntino also noted that NES’ mission of providing safe, reliable, and cost-efficient power to customers is more important now than ever. To read the full article, click here.