
Beware of Scams!

Across the country, more utility customers are being targeted by scams designed to defraud customers out of money. Typically, scammers capitalize off natural disasters or other disruptive events that make utility customers more vulnerable to deception due to distraction.

Don’t fall victim to impostor utility scams this holiday season. Follow these tips to help recognize signs of common scams:

  • If an NES customer has been threatened to have their utilities turned off unless the company is paid immediately via phone, email or text, it is most likely a scam. Beware that scammers often mimic the utility company’s prompts to further deceive customers. If you receive a call like this, hang up and call NES at 615-736-6900.
  • Through email, scammers will target customers by using a utility company’s official logo and prompting customers to use bitcoin to make payments through a QR code. Please note, Nashville Electric Service does not accept bill payments via bitcoin or QR codes.
  • Common scams demand the customer send money via gift card, wire transfer, payment app or cryptocurrency as those payment methods are harder to track.
  • Scam texts or emails will typically require you to “click here” or “use this link” to access fraudulent websites or to download dangerous files.
  • After power outages, scammers will attempt to steal money from customers by demanding a fee payment associated with a recent power outage.
  • Oftentimes, scammers will fraudulently offer to lower payments or pay your bill to acquire account and personal information.

If you receive emails, calls or texts that do not directly come from Nashville Electric Service, please call us at 615-736-6900 to confirm your account’s status and report the call, email or text to the police.