
Be Prepared During Severe Weather & Flooding Preparation Week

With Severe Weather and Flood Awareness Week underway, Nashville Electric Service (NES) is sharing important safety advice leading into the spring storm season.

The utility’s number one safety tip is to be prepared for severe weather and potential power outages. It’s also important to keep these guidelines in mind before storms roll in.

Make sure your contact information is up to date with us.
Be sure your current phone number is tied to your NES account so that we can easily identify your location when reporting an outage. To update your number, log into My Account at You can report an outage by calling 615-234-0000. You can also sign up for our text message system online to report your outage.

Assemble an emergency kit.
Take a quick trip to the grocery and pharmacy to stock up on essentials like non-perishable food, blankets, flashlights and fresh batteries, prescription medications, bottled water, pet food and infant formula and diapers. Also, make sure cell phones are fully charged and unplug sensitive electronic equipment.

Have a back-up plan for life-support equipment.
If you or a family member rely on an electrical life-sustaining medical device, identify a location with emergency power capabilities and make plans to go there or to a hospital during an extended outage.

Never go near downed or sagging power lines.
In case of an emergency or hazardous condition, call 911 to report the issue. NES will be notified immediately to respond.

Keep your refrigerator and freezer doors closed.
Food in an unopened fridge will be safe if power is out four hours or less. A fully stocked freezer will hold food safely for 48 hours.

Follow all safety guidelines when operating a portable generator.
Ensure proper ventilation outside to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust. Install a carbon monoxide detector inside your home as a safety precaution.

Stay informed.
Go online to to view our outage map for near real-time updates. We also provide storm information on Twitter and Facebook.