- What makes you most proud about being Black (culture) and why?
What makes me most proud about being black is that it was designed in God’s plan for me. I am proud to be a part of a people of resilience, creativity, spirituality, faith, change-makers and recoverers. Those are just some of the things that make me proud.
- Who is the African-American person (living or not) who inspires you most? Tell us a little about why.
My list is long and great, but my parents certainly top the list. They sacrificed a lot for me and my eight siblings, making much out of little. They taught us the importance of family and how to truly love each other.
- What is your advice to the next generation (regardless of race)?
My advice to the next generation is to get back to showing compassion towards one another, to respect humanity, and to truly do unto others as you would have them do unto you.